Thursday, April 24, 2008

The Revolution Comes To Your Schools

Michelle Malkin notes that Bill Ayers is not just a former terrorist who wishes he would have blown up more American buildings. He is also a professor of education in Chicago, and the readings he assigns borrow heavily from Marxists of all stripes. He himself models his political beliefs on such humanitarians as Ho Chi Minh and Che Guevara, and talks openly about going to the anti-war Camp Casey because he thought that might be the site of the beginning of the "revolution."

This shouldn't be surprising. It isn't just Bill Ayers who is pushing Marxism on future educators; every single education school in the country--Michigan State's is no exception--indoctrinates prospective teachers to believe that their job is to mold students' ideologies and to fix social inequities between classes, races, and genders. No wonder the quality of our education is declining--teachers aren't being taught that their main job is to teach. If you don't think that there is a concerted effort to use schools to indoctrinate students, just aren't paying attention.

What can we do? Well, first and most basic, participate in your local school board meetings and elections. Best of all, run for that office yourself. Pressure your congresshumans to eliminate the requirement that teachers join the local teachers' union, as these unions are working to promote this agenda. We need to dismantle a significant portion of the current education establishment, including the Department of Education. There should be no more government money for schools of education that promote radical left-wing indoctrination of future teachers.