Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Obamessiah Watch: Talk Radio "Delusions"

Camille Paglia today called out talk radio for their delusions about Barack Obama:

Meanwhile, conservative talk radio, which I have been following with interest
for almost 20 years, has become a tornado alley of hallucinatory holograms of
Obama. He's a Marxist! A radical leftist! A hater of America! He's "not that
bright"; he can't talk without a teleprompter. He knows nothing and has done
less. His wife is a raging mass of anti-white racism. It's gotten to the point
that I can hardly listen to my favorite shows, which were once both informative
and entertaining. The hackneyed repetition is numbing and tedious, and the overt
character assassination is ethically indefensible. Talk radio will lose its
broad audience if it continues on this nakedly partisan path.

If only, Camille, if only. Hey, wait, she didn't present any argument to refute what talk radio is saying here! Let's look at the evidence.

--Marxist. Hmm, well, he did basically tell a group of San Francisco progressives that right-leaning proletarians were suffering from false consciousness. Probably just a coincidence...

--Radical leftist. Okay: He was in charge of the Harvard Law Review--not exactly a bulwark of political moderation--was a community activist for the radical leftist group ACORN, has a longtime mentor who ran a black separatist church, and offers the most sweepingly leftist platform in the history of American politics.

--A hater of America. Well, I've never actually heard talk radio claim this, so Camille's telling a little fib here. Although it is a little puzzling why Obama would want to "reshape" a country he sees as "great." But that's really neither here nor there. Now, Michelle Obama is a different story: she claims she was never proud of America before Barack Obama looked like he might win the nomination, and that America is "downright mean." Tough stuff, kids.

--"not that bright." Okay, maybe there's something there. However, it's not too much of a stretch to think that a guy who talks about an asthmatic needing a "breathalyzer" and then corrects himself and says "inhalator" might not be the sharpest Parisian in the commune. Add in the fact that he claims he managed to travel to fifty-seven states during his campaign, and you have to conclude that if this man had an "R" next to his name you know the legitimacy of his entirely Ivy League education would be called into question.

--the teleprompter thing...well, see before. Oh, I forgot the "My grandmother is a typical white person" comment. Inspiring!

--"knows nothing"--hey, I just remembered the part where he claimed he was born because of Selma, which happened two years after his birth. And didn't he claim that his uncle liberated Auschwitz while he was serving in Germany in World War II, even though Auschwitz is in Poland and was liberated by the Russians? Anyway, yeah, she's got a point here, I'm sure.

--"done less." Well, umm...what HAS he done? I guess voting party line is an accomplishment. Of a sort. Oh yeah, he managed to beat carpetbagger Alan Keyes in a Senate race after his first opponent was caught in a shocking sex scandal and forced out of his candidacy. Must've been tough.

--Ahh, Michelle Obama. Well, we don't really know a lot about her, except that she's not the biggest fan of the United States historically and she thinks we're all a bunch of meanies. There's a rumor that someone has a videotape of her railing against whites at that hilarious church they attended for nigh on twenty years, but just rumors. She wrote a pretty radical thesis in college, from what I hear, but that was in college. So who really knows? In all seriousness, this is Paglia's only potential good point here.

--"overt character assassination." Hehe. Is it character assassination if someone didn't have much to begin with? Or if it's just reporting on character suicide?

--"ethically indefensible." Yeah! No bad-mouthing the messiah. He's the messiah.