This is especially important because the Michigan Republican Party needs to be shaken up a little bit. They're getting a little stale. Crusty. It's not pretty. There's a lot of energy among young conservatives in this state, but it doesn't seem like it has anywhere to go. That's where bloggers come in. We know technology. (Okay, other bloggers know technology. I'm just glad that other people know it so I don't have to.) And we have the energy to organize.
So...why don't we? Granted, we have jobs, some of us own businesses. I'm, horrifyingly, a grad student. Yet surely we can organize regular get-togethers, maybe invite speakers. Reporting and opining on the ether is definitely a good thing, but face-to-face interaction is where it all happens. The Michigan blogosphere could go on tour in the summer--have meetings in cities all over Michigan. Go from Benton Harbor to Grand Haven to Muskegon to Grand Rapids, Lansing, Brighton, Ann Arbor, Detroit...go around and meet the people who want to get involved, want to be connected, but don't know how.
Let's be thinking about this stuff, youse guys.