Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Michigan: Ensuring Your Safety By Eliminating Your Freedom

Freep.com reports that one-time beauty pageant winner and Berkeley-trained liberal will require parents to use booster seats for any child between the ages of 4 and 7 who is under 4'9":

Gov. Jennifer Granholm is expected to sign a bill requiring car booster seats for all passenger kids ages 4 through 7 who are under 4-foot-9 inches tall.

Current state law requires a car seat of some kind only or children under age 4.

And hilariously/frighteningly:
The state is planning a public awareness campaign for the new booster seat law, through the he Office of Highway Safety Planning.
Well, I can't think of any way our state funds could be better used. We're going to pass a law restricting your freedoms for your own good. And we'll spend your money to tell you about the fact that we can now fine you $65 if we suspect you're driving down the road with an insufficiently buckled child.

Michigan is like a one-state liberal paradise! I only wish it was Ohio instead of us.