Monday, February 11, 2008

American Politics Is Weird Lately

The worst part about Romney dropping out is that it not only means that only John McCain is left, it also results in Ron Paul getting over 20% in a caucus. Not that he won. But it's the principle of the thing.

Anyway, things could get better. I think John McCain will actually end up picking a real conservative as his VP, which is a necessary and sufficient condition to secure my vote. I just hope it's someone who can run for president in four or eight years; so, in other words, let it not be Phil Gramm.

Then again, things could get worse. After all, Barack Obama might be, as far as policy is concerned, the worst American presidential candidate since Jimmah Carter or George McGovern. Heaven help us all.

Well, at least Obama is an ethical, nice guy. Just look at this deceptive attack ad against John McCain (via Captain's Quarters):

Captain Ed Morrissey tackles the dishonesty in this ad here, in typical brilliant fashion.