Saturday, February 16, 2008

What Is Fascism, Again?

Fascism is not corporate cronyism, it is not legislating Christianity or any other established religion, it is not an aggressive foreign policy. By definition--do some reading; Mussolini, perhaps--it is a religion of state. It is not having the government endorse a particular religion; it is the making of government INTO a religion. Which party offers us something closer to this?

Well, Captain Ed Morrissey has an answer. The messianic fervor of Obama's supporters has been unnerving for a long time, and it is important to note that it is being encouraged by Obama himself, along with his campaign. Fix Iraq? No, we'll fix souls! We'll fix reality! Now THAT's the kind of hubris we need in our next president. No more meddling abroad with wide-eyed optimism, the world hates us enough; let's bring that meddling home! By the way, if you think America is divided now, just wait until Obama unleashes an enormous tide of new spending; almost a trillion already proposed.

Political divisions exist for a reason. I guarantee you that what Obama's lofty rhetoric really means is this: We'll tear down political divisions, and you'll shut up and do things our way.