Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Expect The Expected

Chris over at Apologies Demanded notes that Fred Thompson has endorsed John McCain for President of the United States.

You had to figure that was going to happen. FDT was our hero for a short time, the only true conservative in the Republican primary. John McCain, on the other hand, had joined ranks with the likes of Republican Senate colleagues Arlen Specter and Trent Lott in the Conservative Eye-Pokers Caucus. However, no conservative (I think) really believes that John McCain won't be the better of the two major candidates running. And either John McCain or his eventual Democratic nominee, whether that is the Obamessiah or Hillatrix LeStrange, must win the presidency. For many Republicans, that is a convincing enough argument to vote for McCain, even if they disagree with him on many issues. And that's okay; we should respect that. We don't differ in substance, but in strategy. I think that four years of a socialist Democrat in the White House might be worth it if conservatives can send a strong message to the Republican party that they need to be respected.

It isn't interesting that Fred endorsed McCain, based on their friendship and Fred's predictable and honorable unwillingness to help the worse candidate win. The people to watch will be Mark Levin and Michelle Malkin. If they (and especially Michelle Malkin) relent and embrace McCain, it will be a sure signal that any conservative ploy to skip the election will fail miserably.