Monday, February 18, 2008

Give Them a State! (Sarcasm Alert)

(Via Michelle Malkin)

Those wacky Palestinians are at it again, demanding blood for the irreverant cartoon published by Danes exercising their right to free speech:
In the Gaza Strip, controlled by the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, a leader of a militants’ umbrella group called on Muslim faithful to attack Danish embassies and diplomats.

“Blow up the Danish embassies and kill the ambassadors,” Abu Abir, spokesman for the Popular Resistance Committees (PRC), said at an open-air news conference in a Gaza square, where PRC members burnt a Danish flag.

“We urge (Islamist fighters) to track down those who printed the cartoons, those who drew them and those who published them and slaughter them immediately,” he said.
Haha! Oh, come on, they're obviously only joking! There is nothing to fear but fearmongering Republicans!
Danish police arrested two Tunisians and a Dane of Moroccan descent last Tuesday, accusing them of planning to kill a cartoonist who drew one of the images.
Err...oh. Well, at least the kids over there in Denmark seem to be having fun; it's the eighth night of rioting by Muslim youths in Denmark. Gateway Pundit has the story and video.