Monday, February 11, 2008

What World Temperature?

(Interesting tidbits from the excellent presentation of Christopher Horner, Senior Fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute and best-selling author of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming. (Buy at (Yes, I am trying to make up for the fact that I posted virtually nothing new over the weekend.)

Does it make sense to think about a global temperature? Does NASA just stick a giant thermometer into the Earth's rectum (located in Columbus, Ohio) and get a read on what the temperature of the Earth is?

It turns out there are over 2,000 temperature stations in the United States, where the best temperature records are kept. (By the way, the Siberian stations were largely shut down after the collapse of the USSR in the 1990s. What effect do you think THAT had on global averages?) Want to look at a few of them? Try

Here are some samples:

Hmmm. No problems there. Increased temperatures ARE due to man's interference!

Unfortunately, of course, it seems to be a different sort of interference than greenhouse warming. Take a look at the map on the website's main page. The surface stations are, for the most part, in urban areas that have been seriously built up in the last hundred years. Ever heard of a micro-clime? We have one in Michigan; it's called Detroit. There's a reason it isn't in my hometown of Newaygo.