Thursday, February 7, 2008

"Conservative Principles Are Timeless..."

The Wall Street Journal's Alfred S. Regnery today writes about how John McCain can reach out to conservatives.

First, he suggests nominating a conservative--specifically, Gov. Mark Sanford--as his VP rather than Lieberman, backstabbing Florida governor Crist, or Rudy Giuliani. Good idea!

Anyway, the column is good, but the best lines are these:
John McCain needs conservatives more than conservatives need John McCain. Those conservatives who are old enough recall the words of the last Senator from Arizona who ran for our highest office. I'd rather be right than president, said Barry Goldwater in 1964, to the wild cheers of his supporters. Conservative principles are timeless, and will outlast any politician.
Inspiration for real conservatives, and loathsome words to McCainiacs who now will go from insulting conservatives to attempting to coerce them into supporting their guy. (Don't be fooled when someone pushes the Iraq War or Supreme Court issue at you; does anyone really think a Democratic president will shoot himself in the foot by withdrawing troops just when order has been almost restored? Does anyone think a President McCain will really be able to appoint quality judges while working cozily with the Democratic-majority legislature? Get real.)Election 2008, Rudy Giuliani