Friday, February 8, 2008

Mike Huckabee For President Keeps Rowling On

(Disclaimer: I'm aware that the name changes that occur in this post are horrifying. Please bear with this, and try to muster a laugh at the truth in the metaphor. Thank you for your time.)

The candidacy of Gilderoy Lockabee has important lessons to teach us.

Governor Lockabee is a superstar to some conservatives, and an enigma to others. He has a winning smile and a way with the ladies, according to exit polls. He's charming and funny. He's taken over the Defense Against the Dark Arts position, although some of the most famous Aurors seem not to trust him over-much. On the other hand, masses of good people flock to him, drawn by his bold talk and apparently overwhelming credentials.

But in the end, it seems that the country club wing of the party (represented by one John McMalfoy) and the Democrats (think Hillatrix LeStrange) used him to sabotage someone whom principled conservatives could actually support. (Harry Potter? Nah, Romney Weaselly. Still...) And in fact, Lockabee's credentials don't turn out to be as rock-solid as they seemed. Turns out he's just a good-looking, well-spoken guy who's exceptionally good at memory charms.

Speaking of which, Lockabee needs to make his own candidacy a memory and end the primary contest, so McMalfoy can focus on picking a VP and letting conservatives know if he's serious about us by picking a solid candidate who can run in 2012 or 2016. I'd go with Mad Eye Sanford.