Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Che Wiz! Part Two

So, Barack Obama responded to the Che Guevara flag incident, which you might remember from here. His words? It was "inappropriate." (From PowerLine and Investor's Business Daily.) Well, there you have it. As John Hinderaker points out, politician with American flag pins on their lapels are "hypocrites", while election volunteers who display Che Guevara and the Cuban flag are acting inappropriately. Curiouser and curiouser.

As Hinderaker also points out, Obama recently voted against granting immunity to telecom companies who participate in the NSA's warrantless wiretapping program (whose constitutionality has been upheld many times). This, of course, overwhelmingly failed; if immunity is not granted to such telecom companies, those who want to shut down the program could repeatedly sue those companies by alleging any breach, substantiated or not. In other words, Obama voted to wreck a program whose constitutionality, the ACLU notwithstanding, has been repeatedly upheld, information from which has been crucial to a number of terrorism arrests around the world. He joined only twenty-nine senators in voting for this.

This man could be the next President of the United States.