Friday, February 22, 2008

The McCain Attack and Switft Boat Vets

Back from a busy morning schedule!

Michelle Malkin has had a few posts about the relationship between the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth and the John McCain hit piece by The New York Times.

I once saw a cartoon posted on someone's door here at Michigan State that had Karl Rove trying to convince Plato that something was true if it was repeated over and over again. I think that more accurately applies to the MSM.

Remember the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth? They were a 527 committee comprised of former swift boaters who revealed the truth about John Kerry's military record. Despite the fact that their claims could not seriously be disputed, they were castigated as vicious political hit men with an agenda. In reality, the MSM was trying to cover for a politician who lied to Congress about what he actually did in Vietnam.

The drive-by of John McCain is of a totally different quality. Why? Well, first of all, it was shoddy reporting. There's really no evidence that John McCain ever had an affair with the woman in question. Second, it was released by an allegedly major news institution at exactly the time when it would deal the most damage, even though they had the "story" for three months. The Swift Boat Veterans for Truth told just that: the truth. And in this a 527 committee outdid The New York Times, which instead resorted to hearsay and rumors, more fitting for a tabloid than an objective news source. The Grey Lady is losing circulation, and this isn't a step in the right direction.