Monday, February 25, 2008

Like The United States, Only With Less Freedom

(Via Michelle Malkin.)

Ezra Levant, the Canadian former editor of the now-defunct Western Standard magazine who decided to publish the Danish Mohammed cartoons, was sued for religious hatred by imam Syed Soharwardy and the Edmonton Council of Muslim Communities, brought before the Alberta Human Rights Commission, and won. The right-wing blogosphere, notably Charles Johnson at Little Green Footballs, was instrumental in publicizing this injustice and infringement on free speech rights perpetrated by the government of Canada. Now Levant is being sued again:
Just before the weekend, I received an e-mail from Richard Warman, the former investigator for the Canadian Human Rights Commission, who quit the commission in 2004 to become the commission’s biggest customer. Approximately half of all complaints filed under the Canadian Human Rights Commission’s section 13 “idea crimes” provision have been filed by Warman. The CHRC has a 100% conviction rate under that section, and besides ordering the poor shleps Warman complains about to pay fines to the government, they’re often ordered to pay thousands of dollars to Warman himself, too, for his “hurt feelings”. Unlike the paycheque he got when he used to work there, the cash he gets from commission fines is tax free.
The videos of Levant being interrogated by a representative of the Human Rights Commission can be found on Ezra Levant's YouTube page. Watch them; Mr. Levant is very good.