Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Che Wiz! (Updated and Bumped)

Here's an interesting look at a campaign office for Barack Obama in Houston, Texas.

Yes, that's right, it's a flag featuring infamous Communist and murderer Che Guevara. From one agent of change to another, I suppose. Come to think of it, Che's another guy who had the audacity to hope.

Now, the good senator doesn't dictate to his local offices what their decor should look like. Even so, doesn't it reflect badly on a candidate if his (or her, I suppose) most ardent partisans are admirers of a man who famously murdered to advance the cause of collectivism? I would tend to think so.

Barack Obama may very well win the presidential election this November. If he does, we'll wish for either Clinton a hundred times over before he's through.

UPDATE: I forgot the link and apparently the source, as well: I got it from Captain's Quarters, not Michelle Malkin. And...done.